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RT Interns Revalida Exam at the Rad Tech Laboratory

              Radiographic Technique and Film Analysis deals with the theory and application of principles in Radiographic Quality in the Film-Screen Image Receptor.


              In this digital age, darkroom and film techniques are the things of the past. Nowadays, computer systems are utilized to capture x-rays, process, view and store images. Within just minutes, a digital image can be acquired and viewed to a different number of networks. Digital imaging has helped radiologists, radiologic technologists and patients tremendously, for the reasons of time efficiency and radiation protection.


            However, it is different in the field of the Radiologic Technology Education. Though film-screen system is a thing of a past. Understanding this technique is vital to help the students' understanding in Digital Imaging Acquisition technique. 


              Digital system applications changed the life of the imaging technology. Technology has evolved from traditonal to more advanced diagnostic equipments. As an RT instructor, I always try to accept and involve myself to keep up with the demands of our profession. But in the era of computers, I also try to remain a conventional teacher as I can be, so that I can have the chance to inspire and touch the lives of my students. My students are my success.                                                                           


The Radiography Process



     You have already known that radiography is both an art and a science. Just imagine what other things radiography can help us with. Now, we are going to understand the series of steps in radiography or the radiography process.


      Radiography is an imaging technique where x-rays are used to visualize the ...

X-ray Interactions in Diagnostic Imaging



     Photoelectric interactions occur throughout the diagnostic range (20-120 kVp) and involve inner shell orbital electrons of tissue atoms. For photoelectric events to occur, the incident x-ray photon energy must be equal to or greater than the orbital shell binding energy. In these events the incident x-ray photons interacts with the inner-shell electron of a tissue atom and ...


Attenuation of the X-ray Beam



      As the primary beam passes through anatomic tissue, it loses some of its enery. Fewer x-ray photons remain in the beam ater it interacts with anatomic tissue. This reduction in the energy or number of photons in the primary x-ray beam is known as attenuation. Beam attenuation occurs as a result of the photon interactions with the atomic structures that compose the tissues. Two distinct processes occur during beam attenuation in the diagnostic range; absorption and scattering.




How X-ray Circuit Works!



         High voltage x-ray circuits contain transformers, kVp and mA selectors, rectifiers, and timing circuits.


The incoming electrical supply is connected to the AutotransFormer. Timing circuits shut off the high voltage to terminate the x-ray exposure after a selected exposure time.

radiographic technique and image analysis
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