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         You have already known that radiography is both an art and a science. Just imagine what other things radiography can help us with. Now, we are going to understand the series of steps in radiography or the radiography process.


         Radiography is an imaging technique where x-rays are used to visualize the internal structures of the body. Before an image is formed, it will undergo certain steps or processes. The radiography process includes: Image acquisition, processing, display, and archive.


       Image acquisition happens during x-ray exposure. An image receptor is used in this process to obtain the latent (invisible) image for processing. The image receptor plays a vital role in radiography. Without it, no image of the internal body structure can be studied. Based on my previous article, image receptor can be film-screen or digital system.















The next steps are image processing and display. Processing converts the latent image into visible image. Darkroom is the venue for processing in the film-screen system. In this system, wet chemicals and automatic/manual processors are used to make the image appear on the radiograph and be viewed on the negatoscope for proper viewing. However, digital systems use computers to convert the analogue x-ray data into image. Furthermore, the display monitor is used to view the digital image.


     The last step is image archiving or storage. After the image has been acquired, it can now be stored for future use and study. For film-screen system, the image or radiographic films are stored in the film storage room. This room contains the films and is stored according to the date the examination was taken. For digital system, the image can be stored in the computer or CD’s. A system called PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System) is more commonly used for easy storage and access.


        I hope that you have understood the radiography process, By doing so, this will serve as your guide and serves a good foundation as you go along with your study in the radiologic technology course. 

The Radiography Process


Several Links in Radiography and RT Agencies

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